VBS Updates

VBS Updates2022-06-14T16:56:37-05:00

VBS Update – Friday

How did Friday come so quickly? We hope your child(ren) had a fabulous week at Breaker Rock Beach and learned some great truths about Jesus being their solid rock. The waves of culture can't change it. Opinions can't move it. Personal prefernce can't wish [...]

VBS Update – Thursday

Technical Difficulty on Thursday! No Internet meant no update. Another fabulous day at Breaker Rock Beach.  Today we learned that often PEOPLE say..."There are MANY ways to get to Heaven." BUT GOD says..."JESUS is the ONLY way to get to Heaven!" Verse of the [...]

VBS Update – Wednesday

It may be raining outside, but we didn't let that dampen our spirits at Breaker Rock Beach.  Today we learned that often PEOPLE say..."Being a Good person gets you into heaven." BUT GOD says..."Everyone sins and needs a savior!" Verse of the Week: Romans [...]

VBS Update – Tuesday

So much fun again at VBS today!! Not sure if the kids or leaders are having more fun. Today we learned that often PEOPLE say..."Do what makes you happy" BUT GOD says..."My plan for you is even better!" Verse of the Week: Romans 12:2 [...]

VBS Update – Monday

Thanks for joining us at Breaker Rock Beach! We hope you are able to be with us all week. Each day will be filled will tons of fun as kids learn about how they were created for God’s purpose! Verse of the Week: Romans [...]

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