It’s Thursday! Only one day remains. Each day has been filled will tons of fun as kids study five of Peter’s encounters with Jesus. They are discovering that Jesus is holy, trustworthy, forgiving, worth following, and for everyone!

Verse of the Week:
Psalm 25:4 Make your ways known to me, Lord; Teach me your paths.

Color of the Day:
Friday – Purple

Coin of the Day:
Friday – Dollar (Exciting that we have a dollar day match! For every dollar given, that dollar will be matched.) We will be having a dollar day challenge. Who will bring in more dollars??? The Boys or the Girls?

Missions Project:
Our missions project, is being directed to items such as educational games, board games, sensory trays, a printer and seat cushions to be used in a bomb shelter in Goshcha, a small town in Western Ukraine. As the war continues to rage, children have to leave school and run into bomb shelters multiple times a day and sit there for a few hours. These items will help the time go faster for them in this scary time.

Thursday Total: $118.00
Total: $260.59
Thank you for your donations!

Application Station:

Check out what your kids are learning in Application Station: Slides link

Sunday Program and Picnic:
We invite you to join us for our Community Picnic that follows our program on Sunday, June 18. The program will be at 10:00 am and you will enjoy hearing your children sing the songs they learned during the week. Please have your kids come to the gym by 9:50. They will walk on stage as a group. You will also be able to experience VBS through the video that will pull together the fun we had all week. At the picnic, we will have FREE food, bounce houses, cotton candy, snow cones, popcorn, face painting and a demo with the Bloomington Police and their police dog, Blaze. Picnic from 11:00 -1:30.

VBS Music:

If you would like a CD of the VBS music, please be sure to ask at check in or have your child ask their leader for a CD. SparkStudios music can also be found at any streaming site as well.

Sunday Program and Picnic:

We invite you to join us for our Community Picnic that follows our program on Sunday, June 19. The program will be at 10:00 am (Kids participating in the program arrive by 9:45)  and you will enjoy hearing your children sing the songs they learned during the week. You will also be able to experience VBS through the video that will pull together the fun we had all week. At the picnic, we will have FREE food, bounce houses, cotton candy, popcorn, face painting and a demo with the Bloomington Police and their police dog, Blaze. Picnic from 11:00 -1:30.